terms of use


Copyright (Creative Commons License)

Is the copyright of the images and other materials used on this website the same? The copyright of the contents of this website is reserved by the Tokyo Convention & Visitors Bureau (hereinafter referred to as “TCVB”), Tokyo Metropolis, and TCVB s affiliates or related parties. Any unauthorized reproduction, reprinting, lending, distributing, selling, or otherwise using the copyrighted material on this website, whether for profit or non-profit purposes, is strictly prohibited.


In general, you are free to link to this website, whether for profit or non-profit purposes.
When embedding a link, please send us the content and URL of the website, the purpose of posting the link, your name, and contact information.
E-mail to apply for link embedding: tourist@tcvb.or.jp
However, we reserve the right to refuse the embedding of a link if any of the following applies or may apply.
The website content includes anything that defames, slanders, or causes loss of trust in TCVB, other companies (or persons), or other organizations.
Any act that infringes or may infringe intellectual property rights such as copyrights and trademarks, property, privacy, or portrait rights, or other rights of TCVB, other companies (persons), or other organizations.
There is a possibility of misleading a third party because this website is displayed within a frame or otherwise shown in a manner that makes it unclear that the content belongs to TCVB.
In addition to the above items, any act that violates legal provisions, including laws, ordinances, or regulations, as well as public order and standards of decency, or any act that may interfere with the operation of this website.
Using TCVB’s logos, marks, or other materials without permission when embedding a link.
When a link is embedded in a manner that misrepresents the source of the information.



No guarantee is given to the completeness or accuracy of the information contained on this website.
We may modify the information posted on this website without notice.
We shall not be liable for any direct or indirect loss arising from the use of the information or content contained on this website.

Prohibited Acts

The following acts are prohibited when using this website.
Any act that interferes with or disrupts the operation of this website.
Any action that inconveniences, disadvantages, violates privacy, or causes harm to other users, third parties, or the Company, or has the potential to do so.
Any act that goes or may go against public order and standards of decency.
Any act that violates laws, legal provisions, or regulations.
Any other act that TCVB deems inappropriate.

Governing Law and Jurisdiction

Use of this website and the interpretation and application of this Terms of Use shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Japan unless otherwise explicitly stated.
The Tokyo District Court shall be the exclusive court of jurisdiction in the first instance for any disputes rising out of or in connection with this website.